Beauty Marks & Freckles
Radation Dot coverups
Beauty mark:
Price: $100
Beauty marks can be put anywhere on the face except over an existing freckle or mole. Play with a makeup pencil to find the exact right spot, like "Marilyn" or Cindy Crawford!! It just takes a few minutes
Book online for your convenience! In case you can't find any available slots, don't worry! Just shoot us a text at 828-549-7674, and we'll do our best to accommodate you.
Freckles Price: $150
Create the perfect summertime freckles without the damaging effects from the sun.
Radiation Dots:
Goodbye Blue Radiation Tattoo Dots,
Survivors already know that breast cancer brings many challenges, ,If a survivor must undergo radiation he/she will be left with permanent tattooed radiation markers/dots, which are either blue or black. They are an important marker for radiation treatments. The dots look too black or too bluish to be considered healthy freckles.
We specialize in a method of tattooing the dots with a neutralizing color. Thus makes the blue dots a brown color, which then appears as a freckle instead of a blue dot. $50
Radiation markers can be removed by several laser treatments(Med spa) or salt and saline removal (In house)